“Every job I’ve had has taught me something. Every life experience I’ve gotten has inherently made me deeper as a person, deeper as an actor. Sean...
“In Korean, the word for ‘confidence’ is jashin-gam. And jashin means ‘self.’ And gam means ‘sense.’ I think we don’t know ourselves, but we...
David Lynch was an artist in every sense of the word. Rest in peace to the legendary filmmaker, who passed away this month at the age of 78. Today we...
“The scale of this disaster is so overwhelming. It goes beyond a house or building. Being lost is not in the material things. There’s no insurance...
“I think it would be hard to be nine years old and to know that by the time you were an adult, half the large animal species in the world would be...
“The world is beautifully and uncomfortably and terrifyingly ungovernable. Life is not something that we can just Apple watch and pregnancy tracker...
“I grew up with very different male figures in my life. They had a lot of strength and also a lot of vulnerability, which was confusing to witness...
“Art is supposed to highlight the things that we can’t always communicate. It’s supposed to go deeper on an instinctive level. For us to understand...
“The composers that I know spend time alone and sing to themselves. It’s wonderful because they would never have heard those sounds if...
It’s been a year. And while we’re not quite done with it (2:55), we wanted to take a moment to celebrate some of our favorite episodes and guests...
“America is beautiful because it’s full of all kinds of people. In Taste the Nation, I hope that I give as balanced a picture of these stories...
“The thing about getting older is you know more, and you’ve seen more. Unlike athletes, whose bodies slow down— for actors it’s an accumulation...
“Often we think we’re going to enter some house or garden, and it’s going to stir up all the old feelings, and it doesn’t. In my film A Real Pain...
“I feel strangely good. I don’t know how to feel about that yet. There’s something about this process that means a lot to me, and that’s being able...
“In doing politics reporting on The Run-Up, we did it in real time because it mattered in real time. I wasn’t just asking questions because I wanted...
“It’s funny, I wrote a whole book of stories from my life. The objective was to make it as entertaining as possible. And this movie, Woman of the...
“Revision is a philosophy; it’s a way of life. There is always time to revise, there’s always time to change, there’s always time to tell a new...